Hello - I have been so super busy lately, but thought I'd do a more personal post this time seeing as I haven't blogged in a while.
I've been thinking recently about what I want out of life and what things I've really just got to try so I am creating a BUCKET LIST! Sooo, in no particular order, there will be things that seem absolutely crazy yet things which seem so completely normal to you, but here we go the start of my list.. and please if you have any bucket list blog posts or ideas do link/comment them below!!
1. Win the X factor.. God no, I really cannot sing haha! Ok so seriously:
1.Develop a property
2. Go to New Zealand again and explore properly!!
3. Go on a sunrise run
5. Create something, anything!
6. Travel to unknown areas
7. Work in a job I absolutely love
8. Go on a Safari
9. Start a Charity
10. Go on a road trip - a real one! With a cute scrap book map and soundtrack - OK so this may have been idealised by the film Elizabeth Town but still..
11. Ride in a hot air balloon with someone
12. Create a youtube channel for Beauty, vlogging etc
13. Graduate University
14. Go Paddle Boarding
15. Do yoga and actually be good at it!
16. Learn a martial art
17. Go on a horseback trek in the Cayman Isles
18. Design a: Property, dress, lingerie - EVERYTHING haha
19. Successfully crack an egg with one hand and no mess
20. Cliff diving
21. Be a bridesmaid at my best friends wedding
22. Have short hair
23. Throw a surprise party for someone

24. Light a Chinese floating lantern and let it go
25. Live in a foreign country for a while
26. Go Skinny-dipping
27. Host a dinner party
28. Drink from a coconut
29. Have my own home library
30. Learn to properly french plait
31. Get fit - abs and everything haha
32. Have a shoes and bag library hehe
33. Go to New York at Christmas time!
And that's it for now...
There is too much too list, but sooo much I can't even think of right now so will continuously update :) WF xoxo.
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Disclaimer: Non of the above photos are my own :)
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